Carousel of life — La Giostra della vita, Anima Mundi, Trento Science museum, 13 July - 24 Sept
Between July 13th and September 24th, the MUSE - Science Museum of Trento organises the exhibition "Anima Mundi - The Carousel of Life"...

Cosmopolitan Fossil, Glasstress: Unveiled Realities, State Gallery of Art in Sopot (PL), 9/07-22/10
This summer, ‘Glasstress: Unveiled Realities’ will symbolically connect the Venetian lagoon, one of the most important and frequently...

Ubuntu, De Mijlpaal, Dreaming - Thinking - Doing, Heusden-Zolder (BE), 28.5 - 27.8 '23 (extended)
On the occasion of their 30th anniversary, art gallery De Mijlpaal is organising the unique participatory project...

Golden Cord, Amàre, Damme-Brugge (BE), 1 July – 31 Oct 2023
Koen Vanmechelen is, among other international artists, invited for a unique open air exhibition called ‘Amàre’ in Damme-Brugge: a...

Socrates Temptation, IMAGO IUSTITIAE, Venice (IT), 10 June – 31 Oct 2023
Koen Vanmechelen’s work Socrates Temptation is featured in the exhibition ‘IMAGO IUSTITIAE’, at the famous Museo Correr in Piazza San...

Koen Vanmechelen needs your help in creating an artwork
For the creation of the artwork 'DECODE', Studio Koen Vanmechelen is looking for different nationalities to participate in a video. We...