Art gallery De Mijlpaal hosts a contemporary art expo, in close resemblance with the Virga Jessefeesten and the miracle of the bleeding ouwel: the material and the spiritual. In addition, this event will take place in the Herkenrodekazerne - the Herkenrode abbeys once had their safe harbor within the city walls. Expect yourself to a fascinating scenography where topics such as power, spirituality and passion are worked out.
Including work of Miles Aldridge, Eduardo Chillida, Rob Sweere, Vanessa Beecroft, Bill Viola, Jan Fabre, Hans Op de Beeck, Koen Vanmechelen, Nick Ervinck, Renato Nicolodi, Peter de Cupere, Patrick Ceyssens and many, many others.
JULY, 1 - AUG, 31
Maastrichterstraat 100 Hasselt (BE)
More information: http://www.virgajessefeesten.be/agenda/celibataire-divas/