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Inauguration Cosmogolem in Ecuador, 23 OCT, 2018

On the 23rd of October, a new Cosmogolem will join the family of Giants of hope.

With more than thirty Cosmogolem statues, worldwide, this wooden artwork emphasize the importance of children's rights. With his new giant Vanmechelen wants to give the difficult battle for children's rights in Ecuador a symbolic voice. According to Human Rights Watch, sexual violence against children in the beautiful South American country is widespread. The country also has a high percentage of teenage pregnancies. According to UNICEF, many children live in extreme poverty, many are malnourished and very vulnerable. Child labor and corporal punishment are not a rarity. Focusing on the education and creative development of young people is an important contribution to realizing a sustainable, just society.

Reason why, artist Koen Vanmechelen, GO! Technisch Atheneum Keerbergen, the Cosmogolem foundation and the Santo Domingo de los Colorados are building a Cosmogolem for Ecuador.

The statue itself is being built by the students from the local technical school. On the 23rd of October, Koen Vanmecheln will inaugurate the statue in Ecuador.




LABIOMISTA - Studio Koen Vanmechelen

Marcel Habetslaan 50

B-3600 GENK


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