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Day of the Cosmogolem, ¿Qué piensas? 11 Sept, 2022

On Sunday, 11 September 2022, LABIOMISTA celebrates the power of children and young people with the fifth edition of the international children's rights festival 'Day of the Cosmogolem'. The Cosmogolem, the work of art with which Koen Vanmechelen reaches out to local communities worldwide in their pursuit of better children's rights, will be the central theme.

  • Workshops philosophising with children in collaboration with the students of Social Readaptation Sciences UCCL College

  • Share your ideas with young makers and thinkers in LaMouseion.

  • Debate in cooperation with Philosophy school Doen! Thinking with Jean Paul Van Bendegem and Koen Vanmechelen (at 3 pm)

  • Incl. visit to LABIOMISTA with audio tour (also for children)

  • Street theatre, fun, games & local food & drinks on Nomadland

The proceeds of this fundraiser will go to the international projects of the Cosmogolem Vzw (currently projects in Sri Lanka, Guatemala, Uganda and Rwanda) and to the Genk project De Klas van Socrates of Campus O3.


10 am - 17 pm The park remains open until 19 pm

Philosophising with children

Five mini-Cosmogolems next to an equal amount of artworks encourage children to reflect. Playfully, they share ideas and thoughts that are brewing between their ears and put them in the Cosmogolem.

Guided by students of Social Readaptation Sciences of the UCLL College and Doen! Denken! Philosophy School Cosmopolitan Culture Park 10 am - 16.30h

Debate: Philosophy and Art - A Plea for Imperfection and Diversity

With Koen Vanmechelen and Jean Paul Van Bendegem, two titans will speak about the challenges of our time. In their philosophy and art, they represent and articulate the critical spirit in order to make us think. Uninhibited, the artist and the philosopher are presented with questions that invite the audience to look differently, to think differently.

i.c.w. by Doen! Thinking! Philosophy School

with moderator Marnix Vanlangenaeker The Battery - Studio Koen Vanmechelen 15 pm - 16.30h


Does art have to be beautiful? During the workshop 'The world's ugliest painting', Tine Bos challenges children to make the world's ugliest painting, linked to a thorough philosophical discussion. During the Cosmogolem workshops, children will be able to formulate their answer to the central question 'What do you think? and to share their message with the Cosmogolem.

The ugliest painting in the world, led by Tine Bos. Head of the Cosmogolem (in the park) 15 - 16.30u

Cosmogolem workshop, guided by Cosmogolem vzw Head of the Cosmogolem (in the park) 10 am - 15 pm


In LaMouseion, the thinking boxes in the northern part of the site, three young thinkers and makers are ready to get creative with the young visitors: Genk based rapper and producer 'Chaz', the makers of the podcast series 'Wildernissen' and Genk children's author and journalist Lien Vande Kerkhof.

Thinking boxes LaMouseion (Protected Paradise) continuous

Workshop 'De Zoo van Zwartelgoud' 14 pm, 15 pm, 16h30

Workshop 'Schrijf je eigen nummer' 12 pm, 14 pm, 15 pm


On Nomadland the canopies of the colorful gypsy caravans are open for local food and drinks. Theater Muto will also place its circus wagon among the trees and present 'The Shortest Concert'. Entertainer filippo and the Campus O³ Play Bus will provide endless fun. Finally, also on Nomadland, one of the large wooden Cosmogolems will be ready to take the dreams and ideas of children into its heart.


until 20h30

Play Bus Campus O³ 11 - 14 pm

Theater Muto (The Shortest Concert) 13 - 18 pm Entertainer filippo 13 - 18 pm Cosmogolem continuous

Lokale food and drinks continuous


11 September 2022 10 am - 5 pm (the park remains open until 7 pm)

Nomadland until 20h00

Tickets: a ticket for LABIOMISTA on 11 September 2022 also grants access to Day of the Cosmogolem.

Order your tickets online via the website of LABIOMISTA

The debate is included in the price, but registration in advance is mandatory. Register for the debate

The proceeds of the benefit go to the international projects of the Cosmogolem Vzw (with new projects in Sri Lanka, Guatemala, Uganda and Rwanda) and to the Genk project 'The Class of Socrates' of Campus O³.




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