The 4th Pillar organizations from Limburg, partner of 11.11.11, invites Koen Vanmechelen to go into conversation with Els Hertogen, director of 11.11.11, on the topic of international solidarity during their network event on 11th February 2023 in the town hall of Genk (BE).
Vanmechelen will present his take on international solidarity based on his numerous projects and yearlong experience. As an artist, he set up interdisciplinary community projects all over the globe – such as CCP, PCC, SOTWA, MECC, Cosmogolem, etc. - to improve our planet and people's.
Event information
Network event of 4th Pillar organisations Limburg, partner of 11.11.11
Townhall Genk
Stadsplein 1
3600 Genk
11th February 2023
9:30h – 10:00h: reception
10:00h: Conversation on contemporary Internationality and the 4th Pillar
11:00h: networking with participants
11:00h – 13:00h: reception, end